Tablet (and not) Operating Systems Collection

The Tablet Operating Systems Project

Table of Contents

Please note: the links to external sites provided in this site were functioning as per Dec. 2022, when I started this project. In case they are no more working when you read this article, try lookin for them in the WayBackMachine.
Moreover, the process and steps described in these pages worked with the HW I have, with the configuration it has and with the SW versions I have available and I acquired in the course of 35 years35 years and more that I use and work with (personal) computers.
That does not mean that all with work smoothly also with your own HW and SW. Most probably you will have to do your own researchs.
Last but not least, as always I used a very pragmatic approach, thus I describe in these pages the what and how and not the why, but for some exceptions. Refer to the pages linked here for more information and explations.


Setting up an old laptop with vintage OS’ the number of OS’ I wanted to install in that computer grow as grow also my voracity to install also older and newer OS’ that usually are not installed in computers that came (and I bought) with Microsoft Windows already installed.

As in my cellar I have still some old laptop, not so old but still not even worth to sell, I’ve taken a not-so-old one and started this new, parallel project.

At the end, all this sistem are Unix/Linux-based, so I should call this page Linux OS’ instead of Non-Windows OS’. The real non-windows and non-linux OS’ are available as emulations only.

The Project

Goal: to install in a multi-boot system the OS’:

  1. Windows 8.1 (the tablet came with a pre-installed Windows 8);
  2. Chrome OS Flex;
  3. Android;
  4. Mac OS X;
  5. Open BeOS
  6. Haiku, formerly known as Open BeOS (see previous point);
  7. Linux Debian 11 (Bullseye).
  8. Emulators
    1. Olivetti PCOS;
    2. Olivetti BCOS;
    3. BS2000 – Siemens Sesam Drive;
    4. MVS;
    5. OS/400.


  • the installed OS’ should be the original one, thus no clones, and as stand-alone systems, thus no virtual machines neither emultaors;
  • the target system should have a multi-booting features, i.e. by booting it should be possible to choose the OS to be booted (see also the note here below);
  • the tools and software for the installation must be the original ones, only exceptions are listed in the following paragraph.


  • So far, none. The above mentioned OS’ are the ones installable on a PC known by me as for now (Dec. 2022).

Linux Debian 11:

As a matter of fact on my computers beside the already installed OS, I install always Linux too. It gives me more freedom to play around with open software.

SW Support and additional HW

All steps not done on the target laptop have been done on an HP Envy with Windows 11.

All steps not done in the original OS have been done booting from a Linux CD and using two tools: GParted and Dolphin FileManager.

As the target laptop does not have a floppy drive, only external hardware used has been an external floppy disk drive from CSL-Computer.

For transferring programs and data to the target laptop, avoinding burning CDs, I …


The process and steps described in this pages are the results of many hours of internet-research, attempts, errors, and of starting all over again. Results that eventually brought to successfully achieving the goal of this project.

Moreover, the process and steps described in this pages worked with the HW I have, with the configuration it has and with the SW versions I have available and I acquired in the course of 35 years and more that I use (personal) computers.

That does not mean that all with work smoothly also with your own HW. Most probably you will have to do your own researchs.

However, the process and steps described in these pages might help you go in the right direction and most of all avoid doing the same errors I did, thus speeding up a possible similar project.

Last but not least, the precepts and constraints listed below are based more on my attempts to achieve my goal than on whatever rule described in the different sites, including the Microsoft Knowledge Base. As I said, these were my way to achieve my goal. They might or might not apply to your own attempt for achieving your goal with your specific HW.

Precepts and Constraints




Non-Windows Operating Systems Installation (with just 1 exception)

I started …

Hard Disk Initialising

  1. Boot the LapTop with the Linux CD.
    • At the boot menu choose MX-21.2.1 fuxbox 386 (…) ↵, i.e. leave the default;
    • if you like to see all what is loaded (verbose mode) press ALT+F1.
  2. Once the graphical desktop is loaded, select on the bottom left: System → GParted and launch it.
  3. For initializing the hard disk: Select Device → Create Partition Table → msdos. Warning: it will erase all data on the hard disk!

Although for every file system (FS) you can find the minimum and maximum size of the partitions, I experienced that those limits, during the installation of a multi-boot system, cannot be followed, as often either they are not recognized or they are mis-interpreted by the setup programs of newer OS, leading to abnormally interruption of the respective setup programs.

Microsoft Windows 8.1

… the tablet came with a pre-installed Windows 8 …

Chrome OS Flex


How to Dual Boot Chrome OS and Windows 10 (Supports Play Store)

“rammus” is the recommended image for devices with 4th generation Intel CPU and newer. (4th gen intel)… and 5th gen Intel?


Bliss OS:


… BlissOS or Android-x86 … UEFI

How to Dual Boot Android and Windows Easily

Mac OS X



How to Dual Boot Windows 10 and macOS Sierra on PC



Open BeOS

… UEFI or Legacy? …



… formerly known as Open BeOS (see previous point) …



Linux Debian 11 (Bullseye)


As a matter of fact, these are the operating systems I used during my career in IT. Listed are also the computers I used with such OS’.

Olivetti PCOS

Olivette property OS, based/similaro to CP/M, used with Olivetti M20, BC and ST models. At that time I was a programmer and system analyst, mainly programming in BASIC and Assembler Zilog Z8000, amending and customizing SW like …

In internet are still available a.o. the manual and a quick reference., as well as instruction on how to set up a VM for this OS (z80me, university, bannister)

Installation Steps

I followed following steps:

Olivetti Cosmos (BCOS)

Olivett property OS, used with Olivetti M30 & M40, based on the Zilog Z8001. At that time I was a programmer and system analyst, mainly programming in BASIC  and BAL, amending and customizing SW like …

Unfortunately no emulator is available at the moment.

BS2000 – Siemens Sesam Drive

Developed by Siemens, using Sesam-Drive.

In internet one can find instruction on how to set up a VM for this OS (LinuxMagazine).

Installation Steps

I followed following steps:

MVS – IBM System/370 e System/390

Emulating MVS Mainframe on Raspberry PI

Both the IBM’ System/37 and the System/390 ,,,

Developed by Siemens, using Sesam-Drive.

In internet one can find instruction on how to set up a VM for this OS (LinuxMagazine).

Installation Steps

I followed following steps:

IBM OS/400

Available, but with only trial-versions!

[1] In this site Trademarks (™), Registered Trademarks (®), and Copyrigths (©)  are not shown for readibility reasons, still they are owned by the respective companies. [Go Back]

[2] You can believe or not, but the term treble really exists, acoording to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. I could have said threefold, I know, but as I was talking about dual-booting I thought treble-booting would fit better 😉. [Go Back]

[3] Again, most english-speaking people would say forums for the plural of forum. But I had eight years Latin in the school and one of the few things I remember is that the plural form for words ending in -um, i.e. mainly neuter words, ends in -a, thus fora , as also confirmed again, by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary🧐. [Go Back]