Boot Sequence

Windows 95

  1. Booting initiated by BIOS (Basic  Input/Output  System).
    1. POST (Power On Self Test) checks the memory.
      Errors in memory or in display signalized through beeps (differences between different BIOS’).
    2. Bootable device starts:  (1) Floppy, (2) Hard Disk (1st IDE, then SCSI), (3) CD-ROM.
      With newer BIOS’ it is possible to change the boot order.
    3. MBR (Master Boot Record) is loaded and executed.
      Newer Operating Systems work better with UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) and GPT (GUID Partition Table – GUID: Global Unique Identifier).
      Older Operating System cannot recognize GPT.
  2. Loading the Operating System.
    1. IO.SYS is loaded and executed.
      1. Options are read from MSDOS.SYS.
    2. “Windows 95 starts” is displayed.
    3. System waits for 2 seconds
      • Press F8 to open the Start menu.
    4. LOGO.SYS is displayed, i.e. the Windows logo.
      • depending on the installation, the LOGO.SYS file can have different name. At the prompt (C:>) enter DIR LOGO*.* and press ENTER to find out the current name of the logo file.
      • For not showing the (Windows) logo, enter Logo=0 in MSDOS.SYS.
    5. If existing, DBLSPACE.BIN is loaded.
    6. SYSTEM.DAT is loaded.
    7. Switching on Double Buffering, if needed.
    8. Executing CONFIG.SYS.
      • if not existing, HIMEM.SYS, IFSHLP.SYS and SETVER.EXE are started.
    9. Executing AUTOEXEC.BAT.
  3. Starting the Graphical User Interface.
    1. Executing WIN.COM.
    2. Loading VMM32.VXD and all virtual drivers that are in the registry and in SYSTEM.INI.
    3. Kernel, GDI (Graphic Device Interface) are loaded with the explorer shell.
    4. Loading the network support.
    5. Executing the autostart programs.
    6. All entries from Hkey_Local_MachineSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun are started from the registry and then removed.
  4. Windows 95 is up and running.