Dichiarazione Liberatoria

Disclaimer (Dichiarazione Liberatoria) Le procedure ed i passi descritti sulle pagine di questo sito descrivono le azioni da me eseguite per raggiungere gli obiettivi da me posti ed hanno funzionato con le apparecchiature (HW) e con le licenze dei sistemi operativi ed applicazioni (SW) da me posseduti, acquistati nel corso di 35 anni e più …

Tablet (and not) Operating Systems Collection

The Tablet Operating Systems Project Table of Contents … … … Please note: the links to external sites provided in this site were functioning as per Dec. 2022, when I started this project. In case they are no more working when you read this article, try lookin for them in the WayBackMachine. Moreover, the process …

Boot Sequence

… Windows 95 Booting initiated by BIOS (Basic  Input/Output  System). POST (Power On Self Test) checks the memory. Errors in memory or in display signalized through beeps (differences between different BIOS’). Bootable device starts:  (1) Floppy, (2) Hard Disk (1st IDE, then SCSI), (3) CD-ROM. With newer BIOS’ it is possible to change the boot …

eee PC 1008HA Seashell

eee4roby ∈ RobyNet Windows XP Home (Italian) 1.66GHz Intel Atom N280 CPU, 32bit. RAM 1 Gb upgraded to 2 Gb minimum requirement for installing Mac OS X Mountain Lion, which requires first Mac OS X Leopard to be installed; upgrading the RAM not as easy as usual, due to the slim construction of this laptop; with the …