Challenges and solutions of installing Non-Windows Operating Systems

The Non-Windows OS’ Project Challenges and Solutions

Looking for Help

An Agile project 😉: recursive and incremental

Therefore the order I installed the OS’ is:

  1. Windows 8.1 (was anyway pre-installed on the tablet);
  2. Chrome OS Flex;
  3. Android;
  4. Mac OS X;
  5. Open BeOS;
  6. Haiku;
  7. Linux Debian 11 “Bullseye” (I install it on all my machines!).

Installing not only the Operation System

Hard drive preparation #1

Although for every file system (FS) you can find the minimum and maximum size of the partitions, I experienced that those limits, during the installation of a multi-boot system, cannot be followed, as often either they are not recognized or they are mis-interpreted by the setup programs of newer OS, leading to abnormally interruption of the respective setup programs.

Solution to the partitioning issue

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Chrome OS Flex Challenges

Chrome OS Flex uses its own file system.

File system Partition Size Notes
??? Maximum ??? Mb (??? Gb)
Minimum ??? Mb (???Gb) for the installation USB-Stick
??? Mb (???Gb) for the installed OS

Hard Drive Erasemnt

In my 1st attempt to install Chrome OS Flex on my tablet, I fully understimated the risk of installing it as per the instruction found in internet.

Even when the installation program warned me, that the hard drive will be erased I confimed the installation, convinced that I could simply reduce the size of this OS’ partition and move it where I wanted to.

I could not imagine that the Chrome OS’ installation would make such a mess on my hardrive:

No single partition, no idea what each partition was, and most of all no idea how to have the target partitioning of the hard drive.

Multi-Boot Partition with Chrome OS Flex

Luckly, internet gave the answer for a dual boot, which I used to have my multi-boot tablet.

Chrome OS Flex image: here.

Download, install, and run usbit: here.

Zip image.

From here, under Linux.

Download, and unzip brunch: here.

Chrome OS Flex stand-alone installation

Because Chrome OS Flex can be installed into a compatible laptop/tablet only, the main challenge was at the beginning to choose the right one, i.e. the one most similar to a compatible one.

Because my tablet was not present in the above mentioned compatibility list (Chrome calls it Certified models list) I did many attempts with different models I thought were quite like my machine, which means I selected a model, prepared the USB flash drive, tried to install the OS on the tablet. This many times, as no model seemed to work.

Frustrated because in iternet many sites were saying that it was possible to install the OS on old devices, but I was not able to, I further searched for the solution and found it on a site (in German language).

Not mentioned in many sites, it is as simple as choosing during the preparation process of the USB flash drive:

• Manufacturer: Google ChromeOS Flex;
• Model: ChromeOS Flex.

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Android Challenges

Android uses its own file system.

File system Partition Size Notes
??? Maximum ??? Mb (??? Gb)
Minimum ??? Mb (???Gb) for the installation USB-Stick
??? Mb (???Gb) for the installed OS

Mac OS X Challenges

Mac OS X uses its own file system.

File system Partition Size Notes
??? Maximum ??? Mb (??? Gb)
Minimum ??? Mb (???Gb) for the installation USB-Stick
??? Mb (???Gb) for the installed OS

Open BeOS Challenges

Haiku Challenges

Debian 11 Challenges

[1] You can believe or not, but the term treble really exists, acoording to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. I could have said threefold, I know, but as I was talking about dual-booting I thought treble-booting would fit better 😉. [Go Back]

[2] Again, most english-speaking people would say forums for the plural of forum. But I had eight years Latin in the school and one of the few things I remember is that the plural form for words ending in -um, i.e. mainly neuter words, ends in -a, thus fora , as also confirmed again, by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary🧐. [Go Back]

[3] …

[BS_RAM9X.EXE] Unfortunately, while writing this page, I don’t remember and can’t find anymore where I downloaded this program. The links I’ve found now are not functioning and leead you to “404 Page not found”. [Go Back]