Dichiarazione Liberatoria

Disclaimer (Dichiarazione Liberatoria)

Le procedure ed i passi descritti sulle pagine di questo sito descrivono le azioni da me eseguite per raggiungere gli obiettivi da me posti ed hanno funzionato con le apparecchiature (HW) e con le licenze dei sistemi operativi ed applicazioni (SW) da me posseduti, acquistati nel corso di 35 anni e più di lavoro nel campo informatico.

Pertanto, non si assume alcuna responsabilità sull’uso di tali procedure e passi su altre apparecchiature (HW) o con altri sistemi operativi ed applicazioni (SW). Potete seguirle a vostro rischio e pericolo e comunque nel rispetto degli accordi sulle licenze da voi possedute.

Inoltre, avendo un approccio pragmatico, descrivo in queste pagine il cosa ed il come, ma non il perché, se non in pochi casi eccezionali.

Si faccia quindi riferimento ai collegamenti a pagine esterne. Questi collegamenti funzionavano al momento della stesura degli articoli su questo sito e sono forniti senza alcuna pretesa che funzionino anche in futuro. In caso qualche collegamento non dovesse funzionare (Error 404) si provi ad usare l’archivio di rete WayBackMachine.

The process and steps described in this site worked with the HW I have, with the configuration it has and with the SW versions I have available and I acquired in the course of 35 years and more that I use and work with (personal) computers.
That does not mean that all with work smoothly also with your own HW and SW. Most probably you will have to do your own researchs.
Last but not least, as always I used a very pragmatic approach, thus I describe in these pages the what and how and not the why, but for some exceptions. Refer to the pages linked here for more information and explanations.

Please note: the links to external sites provided in this site were functioning as per Dec. 2022, when I started this project. In case they are no more working when you read this article, try looking for them in the WayBackMachine.

*** Obsolete *** Constraints and Precepts (no Rules 😉) for the OS’ and VMs Installation Projects

Table of Contents

Please note: the links to external sites provided in this site were functioning as per Dec. 2022, when I started this project. In case they are no more working when you read this article, try looking for them in the WayBackMachine



The process and steps described in this pages are the results of many hours of internet-research, attempts, errors, and of starting all over again. Results that eventually brought to successfully achieving the goal of this project.

Moreover, the process and steps described in this pages worked with the HW I have, with the configuration it has and with the SW versions I have available and I acquired in the course of 35 years and more that I use (personal) computers.

That does not mean that all with work smoothly also with your own HW. Most probably you will have to do your own researchs.

However, the process and steps described in these pages might help you go in the right direction and most of all avoid doing the same errors I did, thus speeding up a possible similar project.

Last but not least, the precepts and constraints listed below are based more on my attempts to achieve my goal than on whatever rule described in the different sites, including the Microsoft Knowledge Base. As I said, these were my way to achieve my goal. They might or might not apply to your own attempt for achieving your goal with your specific HW.


All software, including the operating systems, installed in my projects have been purchased in the course of my more than 35 years of working in IT.

Precepts and Constraints


Using some partition managers (e.g. System Commander) one could play around with different configurations, however one of the requisites of this project was to use as much as possible only standard floppy disks, CDs, etc., being the only exception, as said before, the use of a Linux CD, which I used mainly to transfer files and data via ethernet through a cloud service.

Thus, for following the steps in this page, a connection to internet would be required. The above mentioned Linux CD recognize the LAN/Ethernet connection and set it up.

An alternative would be to save all files and data needed on a CD and copy them from it.


Following constraints refers to partitions that must be bootable. With specific drivers or programs it might be still possible to create and use larger partitions, overcoming the limits specified below.


Following are the rules I followed in this project. Not all might apply to you and your hardware. These are the rules I elaborated in my many attempts to reach my goals. Keep it always in mind.

For setting up the OS, make the partition as larger as possible.

For setting up an OS, do not take care of the minimum requirements. For later installing drivers, updates, service packs, you will most probable need much more space.

Once all is set as per your goals and wishes, you can delete all temporary files, including the different installation programs, and reduce the size of the corresponding OS’  partition.

With some exception due to the installation of some particular OS:

Setup the OS' in chronological order. First the oldest one.

Backward compatibilities is quite always given, so newer OS’ will usually cope with older ones.

Some how related to the last mentioned precept:

Do not use tools of newer OS' whith partitions/volumes/folders/files of
older ones.
In particular: do not use newer FDISKs with partitions of older OS', if
not explicitely mentioned. In the latest case, limit you to the
operations described.

Regarding FDISK: of course, there are different versions of FDISK. As you will see, they report also different values depending on the OS you are using.

In particolar, MS-DOS 6.22’s FDISK reports a smaller size of the hard drive, Windows 95 RTM and OSR2 propose to convert to LVM, having as defulet No, whereby Windows 98 SE, at the same question, has a default Yes.


Even if you are experienced and believe you did it many times,
DO NOT just confirm the default values proposed!


The main rules I followed are:

  • do not touch the partitioning done with older partition managers (like FDISK) with newer ones;
  • neither touch the partitioning done for operating systems until Windows NT 4.0 with the Linux partition manager, like e.g. GParted, but for few operations like hiding the partition.
    • writing from Linux whatever information apart of the flags and of the partition’s label will cause changes in the MBR which will not be correctly understood e.g. by MS-DOS 6.22 or Windows 95.
    • This applies during the installation of the OS’. Once the older OS’ are installed, you will see that using e.g. Gparted will not cause any major issue.


[1] In this site Trademarks (™), Registered Trademarks (®), and Copyrigths (©)  are not shown for readibility reasons, still they are owned by the respective companies. [Go Back]

[2] You can believe or not, but the term treble really exists, acoording to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. I could have said threefold, I know, but as I was talking about dual-booting I thought treble-booting would fit better 😉. [Go Back]

[3] Again, most english-speaking people would say forums for the plural of forum. But I had eight years Latin in the school and one of the few things I remember is that the plural form for words ending in -um, i.e. mainly neuter words, ends in -a, thus fora , as also confirmed again, by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary🧐. [Go Back]