Multi-boot Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Windows XP Home, Mac OS X Mountain Lion, Linux Debian 11

su un Asus eee PC 1008 HA e su un Lenovo V15-ADA – 82C7.

Fare riferimento anche alla dichiarazione liberatoria (disclaimer).

Inizializzazione e ripristino

Installazione di Mac OS X

Installazione di Linux

*** Obsolete ***

Table of Contents

Please note: the links to external sites provided in this site were functioning as per Dec. 2022, when I started this project. In case they are no more working when you read this article, try looking for them in the WayBackMachine.

Moreover, the process and steps described in these pages worked with the HW I have, with the configuration it has and with the SW versions I have available and I acquired in the course of 35 years35 years and more that I use and work with (personal) computers.
That does not mean that all with work smoothly also with your own HW and SW. Most probably you will have to do your own researchs.
Last but not least, as always I used a very pragmatic approach, thus I describe in these pages the what and how and not the why, but for some exceptions. Refer to the pages linked here for more information and explanations.


Minimum Requirements

Tested Hardware



Followed Procedure



Windows XP Home (Italian)

  • 1.66GHz Intel Atom N280 CPU, 32bit.
  • RAM 1 Gb upgraded to 2 Gb
  • HD 100 Gb.


Ref.: Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8 with existing Windows XP and Vista partitions (but cannot be used to create new ones); Mac OS X emulator on Win XP;

L’immagine dell’intestazione è una rielaborazione dalle immagini di (Lenovo LapTop) Eagle Information Systems Pvt Ltd. da Pixabay e di (Asus LapTop) Csaba Nagy anche da Pixabay.

Il logo di Microsoft Windows è stato scaricato da il 10.03.2023-06:30.

Il logo di MacOS è stato scaricata da il 10.03.2023-06:30.

Il logo di Linux è stato scaricato da il 10.03.2023-06:30.